Adult Inpatient Programs
Inpatient care is designed to stabilize patients as quickly as possible and return them to a improved level of functioning. Our integrated treatment team includes psychiatrists, internists, registered nurses, case managers/social workers, activity therapists, dieticians and ancillary nursing staff who work closely with each patient to formulate treatment goals and assess progress in meeting such goals.
Outpatient Services
Some people with mental health issues and/or alcohol/substance abuse concerns need more treatment than outpatient services can provide, but do not necessarily need inpatient hospital care. Other patients may have needed the structure and safety of an inpatient hospitalization and now need to continue daily supportive treatment following their return home.
Child & Adolescent Inpatient
The inpatient youth and teen mental health programs at Desert Parkway Behavioral Healthcare Hospital in Las Vegas offer individualized treatment for patients under the age of 18. Our youth programs are designed to improve mental health in children who are ages 8 through 12 and teens/adolescents ages 13 through 17.
AspireRecovery: Chemical Dependency Rehab
The Desert Parkway Chemical Dependency and Detoxification Inpatient Program offers a specialized treatment approach for you or your loved ones affected by addiction to alcohol or drugs. Services are shaped by the unique needs of each client, an individualized treatment and recovery plan is established to guide our patients through to a clean and sober lifestyle.
Hope for Heroes: PTSD Rehab for Military, First Responders & Veterans
Everyday life on its own can be overwhelming and there may come a time that one needs the help of caring professionals. For those who have dedicated their lives to serving our communities and our country, the normal trials of everyday life are now compounded with deployment related challenges, traumatic events, and stresses on personal and work relationships.
Resilience Program for Older Adults
Everyday life on its own can be overwhelming and sometimes people need help coping with their problems. For the older adult population, good mental health equates to good overall health, but growing older does not always come easy. There are losses, both physical and mental, but happiness should never have to be sacrificed.
SMART Recovery Program
There are many powerful and successful recovery programs available, but not every program meets the needs of every person. The SMART Recovery Program (Self-Management and Recovery Training) deals not only with abusive actions, but the underlying feelings that lead to actions that lead to disruptive behavior.